Advanced Computer Architecture

Pre-University Test, 2013-2014
Advanced Computer Architecture
Time: 3hrs
M.M: 100
1. Attempt any two questions.     (10*2=20)
  1. Discuss the different level of abstraction to design computer architecture.
  2. What do you understand by hierarchical design frame work and how this frame work will help to design computer?
  3. What are different parallel techniques to improve the performance of computer system?
  4. Discuss the various speedup performances law to measure the performance of computer system.
2. Attempt any two questions.     (10*2=20)
  1. Explain the limitation of exploitation of ILP.
  2. Discuss the various hazards faced in the instruction pipeline. How these hazards can be overcome?
  3. Compare and contrast the superscalar architecture to the VLIW architecture.
  4. Explain the design space exploration of super-pipeline design in superscalar processor.
3. Attempt any two questions.     (10*2=20)
  1. What is SIMD array processor? Show by the a general block diagram the SIMD array processor organization. Explain the working with the help of an example.
  2. Describe briefly the vectorization in vector architecture.
  3. What do you mean by fine grain & coarse grain? Explain the design space exploitation of SIMD architecture using these two technique.
  4. Give structure of a Neural associative memory. Describe two phase working  of NAM. What are the dominant characteristics of NAM in regard to implementation.
4. Attempt any two questions.     (10*2=20)
  1. Give the difference between distributed memory MIMD architecture and shared memory MIMD architecture.
  2. Explain the cache coherence mechanism in distributed memory MIMD architecture.
  3. Explain network topology in multi-computer architecture.
  4. Explain the design space exploration of data flow computer.
5. Attempt All.     (5*4=20)
  1. Write a program, C program that checks that the execution of two threads occurs simultaneously.
  2. Explain the compilation steps of C program & thread program.
  3. Explain the pthread_join() funtion.
  4. Explain the pthread_exit and pthread_self() function.


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