Non Conventional Energy Resources

Uttar Pradesh Technical University
(SEM. VIII) Theory Examination 2012-13

Time : 3 hrs
MM : 100

Note: 1) Attempt all questions. 2) All questions carry equal marks. 3) Be precise in your answer.

Q1: Attempt any two parts of the following      (10x2=20)
  1. Discuss renewable forms of energy. Highlight their merits and demerits.
  2. With the aid of block diagrams explain (i) Autonomous solar power plant and (ii) Combined solar power plant.
  3. Describe principle of solar photo-voltaic conversion. Discuss the limitations of solar photo-voltaic energy conversion.
Q2: Attempt any two out of the following.       (10x2=20)
  1. Describe the construction of solar flat plate collector. How is tits performance evaluated ?
  2. Classify various energy storage systems. Describe steam storage system for solar thermal energy.
  3. Describe solar absorption refrigeration system for space cooling.
Q3: Attempt any two out of the following.       (10x2=20)
  1. Explain a vapour dominated geothermal power plant. What are the environmental constraints in design of geothermal power plant.
  2. How are magnetohydrodynamic systems classified ? Describe them in brief.
  3. Describe the principle of working of a full cell with reference to Hydrogen Oxygen Cell. Discuss advantages and limitations of fuel cells.
Q4: Attempt any two out of the following.       (10x2=20)
  1. Explain principles of power generation in windmills. Derive an expression for maximum efficiency.
  2. Describe main considerations in selecting a site for wind farm. Discuss merits and demerits of wind energy.
  3. Describe the principle of operation and constructional details of a basic thermionic generator.
Q5: Attempt any two out of the following       (10x2=20)
  1. Classify biomass conversion technologies. Explain anaerobic digestion process for production of methane.
  2. Discuss the technology of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC). What are the environmental effects of OTEC.
  3. What are tidal waves ? How can power be produced in single pool tidal system.
Fig 1: Scan images of Question paper



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