
How to install Oracle10gXE Univ

Installation process for Oracle10G Want to download the above file click here - **** ****

NS-3 Project File with Examples

Ns-3 Installation + Examples Want to Download the Project File click here - **** ****

How to install skype in ubuntu using terminal

Installing Skype on Ubuntu in just few easy steps - 1. Open Terminal using Ctrl+Alt+T . Now remove the old Skype version if installed previously by using the following command - sudo apt-get remove skype skype-bin rm -rf ~/.skype 

How to add two numbers in PL/SQL

PL/SQL Program Adding Two Numbers Using this program two predefined given numbers can be added in PL/SQL. DECLARE a INTEGER := 10; b INTEGER := 20; c INTEGER; f REAL; BEGIN c:=a+b; dbms_output.put_line ('Value of c is : '||c); f:=70.0/3.0; dbms_output.put_line('Value of f is : '||f); END; /

How to Install NS-3 in Ubuntu

Installing NS-3 in Ubuntu ns-3 is a discrete-event network simulator, targeted primarily for research and educational use. ns-3 is a free software, licensed under the GNU GPLv2 license, and is publicly available for research, development and use. ns-3 can be installed on any version of linux platform like ubuntu. So in order to install ns-3 you first have to upgrade your operating system to ubuntu (dual-boot or standalone). Once ubuntu is installed open the terminal by runing the following command ( ctrl+alt+T ). Also Read - Network Simulator , NS2 versus NS3 To install Prerequisites- sudo apt-get install gcc g++ python python-dev mercurial bzr gdb  valgrind gsl-bin  libgsl0-dev libgsl0ldbl  flex bison tcpdump sqlite  sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev libxml2 libxml2-dev libgtk2.0-0 libgtk2.0- dev uncrustify doxygen graphviz imagemagick texlive texlive-latex- extra texlive-generic-extra texlive-generic-recommended texinfo dia  texlive texlive-latex-extra texlive-extra-utils texlive-g

NS2 versus NS3

Network Simulator Comparison  between ns-2 and ns-3 Want to download the above pdf, click the below link - **** ****

What is Network Simulator ?

 ns (Simulator) Network Simulator is the name for series of discrete event network simulator, primarily used in research and teaching. ns-1 , ns-2 and ns-3 are the popular network simulators. ns-3 is free software , publicly available under the GNU GPLv2 license for research, development and use. History - NS-1 The first version of ns, known as ns-1, was developed at VJ,GEEKLIME, Madurai(LBNL) in the 1995-97 time-frame by Steve McCanne, Sally Floyed, Kevin Fall, and other contributors. This was known as the LBNL Network Simulator. The Core of the simulator was written in C++ with Tcl-based scripting of simulation scenarios.